I had a fall this morning, at the short flight of stairs going down the living room... My bum hit the steps THREE times as I slid down. OUCH OUCH OUCH! damn. I was just thinking about how it would be like to tumble down the stairs. shit. That happens every time, I think of something, and it happens. Btw, perhaps you guys already have an idea about what a masochist I am. That fall was like, wooooooooooooooooo~ You know the adrenaline rush you experience during free fall? sighhhh how I miss themeparks and rollercoasters! (erm, not the kinda miserable "themepark" we have here...)
I want this:

lol. This is from rollercoaster tycoon 3.
Maybe that's why I love to drive. I feel free and, erm, sometimes, I think it's rather exciting... Alright, I admit I'm a bad driver, and I'm an even worse driver at night. opps. Though I used to learn driving at night... I drove home yesterday after my evening paper. The traffic was quite smooth and I felt like accelerating faster and faster! Even at the bends. Scared the hell outta my dad. lol. That's a problem I have: When I do not look at the speedometer thingy (what do you call that?), I tend to go faster and faster. And when I look at the meter, I feel obliged to keep the speed at or below the limit, and I crawl like a tortoise. So remember, the seat belt will really do you a favour if you wanna hitch a ride from me. Hmmmm.... okay, I'm not that bad actually! I just need more practice!
ooooooh! I love Jeremy's sportscar! It's so small and adorable!!! It's a... mazda something, I think... (I don't know, ask kar... I know nuts about cars.) I hate rich guys, with cars. They arouse envy. They are the ones who make people like you and me jealous. But being comes with a price too. I was just telling kar today, rich kids normally have parent(s) who work overseas or work so much that they won't be at home often, hence they usually do not have a close relationship. That's a tradeoff. Be rich, work alot, spend less time with your kids, and let the relationship deteriorate. Or be less rich, spend more time at home, and have a higher possibility of having a better relationship with the kids.
Anyway, I took a break from studying today. I still have another two more papers... sigh. I need to recharge my energy level. (opps and sorry janice, didn't meet you today!)
Oh, and I always thought I prefer doing MCQs to anything, Short-structured questions or essays. But I realise... That is definitely not the case, when each MCQ costs THREE marks!!!