Besides studying for exams, I needa get a life too!

My baby cousin, Nikki! Her twin sister is still in the hospital, poor little thingy!
Ain't she adorable! She was sleeping throughout our visit! And she loves to do stretching! And she's so soft!!! I was so afraid to carry her! lol..
15th Nov: Chloe's and Janice's birthdayyyy!

Gee.. this pic looks so mysterious!

Happy Happy happy birhday Chloe!!!

And Happy Happy happy birthday, Janice!!!
18th Nov: Parry's Gala Dinner
Sobs. That marked the end of my primary school...

This is only one third of the school field, FYI.

Can you see my primary 6 classroom, the one at the top left-hand corner!

Some random pic in a random classroom...

Who's on duty today?!

My primary 3(?) chinese teacher!!

Mrs Yap, primary 4 form teacher. She doesn't rem me anymore though...

Mr Jasni! Our PE teacher + mini-tennis teacher in charge!

Ms Lim (top) , running around, taking pics with EVERYone.

ooohh... that's shan's lovely mummy!

My primary 5+6 form teacher!! Used to get lotsa scoldings from her!
hehe.. WE were very naughty girls..

Our favourite hangout: the basketball court!

Goodbye parry! sobs..

There were only Shan and I from our cohort... We used to be the "big shots" during our times. LOL. To think we actually felt so unfamiliar to the people who attended the dinner that night... Even when we saw our friends who were a year our senior, the people whom we played with last time, they seemed so distant, and the feelings were so so so wrong! sigh... What exactly went wrong when people grow up??
I remember telling my friends back then after PSLE, that we shall meet again in Parry ten years later. sobs. Which is supposed to be next year...
As we sang our school song for one last time, we got so emo... sobs.
The building will remain there though, and so will our memories. ahhh. sounded so cliché and all...
Kar got me this yesterday:

It's a KING SIZE mint crisp KitKat!!! (duh`)

Can you see the mint crisp?
I spent the whole day eating it, and left a bit for this morning!! teehee..

Greedy KAr.

%#@!#$!@#$#% blehhhhh...
Back to studying!
(opps. thank goodness I've deathnotes to accompany me!)
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