Cursor by ~*Exaggerated & Nonsensical*~

:The current mood of evil_jia at

Friday, November 10, 2006

Went shopping for birthday pressies today, and guess what I bought?!?!?

Everywhere's selling christmas trees, christmas deco, christmas pressies for kids, christmas pudding, christmas chocolates... even harrods is all ready with christmas hampers and bags with christmas prints!!!

omg! omg! Christmas is coming!!!!!

Are you ready?!?!?!?!
I am NOT!!!

Anyway, my parents actually planned on going to Hokkaido during dec. Unfortunately, it was cancelled due to some stupid tour agent. So, we'll be going to Kyushu instead!!!!!(during kar's birthday.. opps!)

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! so exciting!!! I'm finally going Japan again, AND I'M SO READY FOR WINTER!!!!

wahahahha.. I am so cute!

Some kar updates:
With his messy long hair and all boyish looking!


Now, a working adult... All ready for work!

It's November already.
Exams are here again.


Blogger jiaaaaaa said...

wahahhahahah thanks mr lee! i think you meant, that's the best winter outfit u've ever seen in ur life on someone so adorable right!

5:05 PM  

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