I got my specs!!
A couple of months ago, my glasses broke. (okay, I broke my glasses.) Because I have a lower/thinner nose bridge and high/wide cheekbones, my glasses always slid off my nose. I was trying to be a smart-alec one day, and started meddling with it, adjusting the sides, and #$%&^$#@...

Finally... After months of ridiculing myself by wearing the broken glasses, I went to make a new pair last saturday. (I've been busy!!!!)

I still look geeky in my specs... But at least I like this pair better, because it's BROWN!!!
And I hope it doesn't slide down anymore...
I was on my way to town this afternoon, and there was this primary school boy sitting next to me at the back seat. He was carrying the huge squarish kinda schoolbag, which he just let it sit behind him on the seat. So can you imagine, the bag was occupying half of the seat. He was really small, and eating a popsicle, so his hands weren't free. Then when the bus suddenly stopped, the little boy slid off the seat, with his bag still there, and he was practically squatting down. I wanted to help him, but he had this embarrassed look that I let him get up himself. But it was really a funny sight. I examined him from the corner of my eyes... He has the bowl-hairstyle and was wearing thick specs, small shorts, little shirt. Who does he remind you of???? Lil' Detective Conan!!!! He looks just like Conan!! Omg. Then I recalled, my brother used to look like Conan too when he was little. lol. So my conclusion is... To be a silly cute little boy, you have to look like Conan!

Last friday's P&J makeover...

I went home... (oh ya, I took TWO hours to get home from suntec that night!!! Because the stupid bus driver must have been dead! arghz.)
And started taking pics of myself like crazy...
hmmmm pics are blur, because I was using my handphone...
But I love my eyelashes.

Hmmmm... I've been trying to convince myself that I'm gonna have a fantastic summer vacation, but I've been thinking otherwise... I can't see how I'm gonna survive the remaining vacation by bumming around. This sucks, and I really need to make it work.
But this always happens: I tell myself, exams were just over, I need a week of slacking before doing what I need to do. Then after a week, I'll tell myself again, oh forget it, I still have so much time, I'll just continue slacking... and it goes on and on and on... LOSER!!!!!
Anyway, I'm currently watching Metero Garden for the 2nd/3rd time, and reading Da Vinci Code for the 2nd time before watching the movie (gosh. it's 18th May!!! and tom hanks' in it! omg. I can't wait!!!).
It feels different when you're doing things for the 2nd time. Although I know what's gonna happen, there'll still be anticipation, and excitment. I want to treat it as if I'm doing it for the first time, and experience it all over again from a different perspective. Get what I mean???
Okay, I'm gonna watch another episode of metero garden before going to bed.
I need some sweetness from dao ming si before sleeping. gosh. dao ming si. Don't you wish you can have him as your boyfriend??? I remember writing his name all over my lectures notes while studying for the finals during j1... lol. For people who think metero garden is crap and super unrealistic... Isn't that what makes the show nice? It's just a fairytale. Something that would never happen in reality. It makes you yearn for something you can never have. It's a fantasy. Living in a dream is always wonderful. And when I watch the show, I feel like I'm in the dream too. A sweet dream.
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