This is crazy.
I did an estimation last night, I think I have more than five hundred bucks worth of unworn/unused clothes + accessories as a result of impluse buying. I ought to be shot. Maybe I should really sort out my stuff and sell them all on Yahoo! Auctions.
gosh. I have no idea how I got myself into this "financial crisis".
There is something seriously wrong with me: I just can't stop shopping, and I ended up buying more than I need, and with stuff that I don't even want. I know that's the problem most females out there face when it comes to shopping, because shopping is totally irresistible. But, I shop whenever I know I have some extra money in my purse, and I totally forget what the money is supposed to be used for. What the hell is wrong with me?!?!
Everyday I calculate how much money I'm left with, and how much more I can spend. Once I see that extra cash available for the rest of the month, %^$&#%^^*$# I spend it all. At the end of the day, I realise, I still have my gym bill to pay, my bus concession to buy, my daily food expenses, AND a pair of heels that I've always wanted to buy, which I didn't, because the money is spent on impulse buying, contributing to the "more than five hundred bucks worth of clothes + accessories".
I suck.
I know, I know. Stop shopping.
Just stay at home and I won't spend anymore.
But, with the advancement in technology, I surf the net, and I end up shopping online. Period.