Cursor by ~*Exaggerated & Nonsensical*~: i'm back!

:The current mood of evil_jia at

Friday, April 22, 2005

i'm back!

sighhhh.... DEAR FRIENDS and ONE COUZ and ONE KAR, i've survived (*phew*), and am finally back from the miserableness of being placed on a guillotine.

morning paper sux big time. gotta sleep early the night before and wake up early in the morning at 0630, take an early bus and pray hard for a seat and a smooth traffic, and lastly, to reach the exam venue in time. yes, i was very punctual. reached MPSH 1 at exactly 0900.

anyhow, i've got nothing to say about the sociology paper, except that i was able to do it. however, i'm sure everyone knows this, illusions and reality are totally opposite of each other. so i shall juz pray and pray and pray, and hopefully my prayers would be answered, and i'll get an A for sociology. **FYI: i got a freakin' C+ for my mid-term paper.** booOOoOooOOo...

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ooOOoOoOOoohhhhh... ain't the cat cute???? guess it's the 2nd cutest cat around. haha, u got it! hello kitty is the cutest cat.

alright. i've decided not to flood my chatterbox, and i think there's some probs with it. so i'll say what i wanna say HERE:

Chloeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. u're going bonkers! bong bong bong... i'm gonna kill chloj the next time i see her. so she better know her limits k? if she tries to possess u the next time, tell her to better watch out!! btw, what are you working as now??

Janiceeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. endure endure! be glad that your exams end earlier than mine. yes we HAVE to meet up after the exams. i dreamt of melody again the other night. LOL. let's go marche again. and ask celene and yenny too!!

Jooooooooooooooooooch. oh, i tried my very best to minimize the pic already. i'll try again! anyway, it was good to cya last night, but sorry i had a show to catch. it's JOEY. watch it! every thurs @ channel 5 @ 2100. it's funny!

Karrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. thanks for coming over to visit me while i mug up for the exams... that helps alot. and thanks for the THREE poh piaks (how to spell???) yesterday. yummy yumyum! now pple, u should know how i put on so much weight, yea.

sighhhh.. i've got to go take a rest now, and continue on my treacherous journey to obtaining A+s........

oh.... and this is so sad, i can't go watch david tao's concert at the expo on 30th April 'coz exams aren't over yet.. can you imagine him singing ai hen jian dan just for you??? awwwwwwww.....


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